Mission and Vision


The World is Waiting for Us!


“For the earnest expectation of creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God”

Romans 8:18

Proverbs 29:18 says,

"Where there is no vision, the people perish"

So we would like to share with you our Vision and Mission:

Our Vision

A ministry that demonstrates the love and transformational power of God, through Christ Jesus, ​by serving, teaching, and reaching the world with God’s Word and offer of salvation; providing a platform for you to harness, hone, and blossom in your God-given gifts and talents, to further the Kingdom of God.

Our Mission

To bring light to a world in darkness.  
​To usher all who are willing into their full power, potential, and purpose in Christ Jesus,

​Starting with You!

So... Share the Good News!

 We Invite You to Embrace this Vision and Join in our Mission!